Wednesday, March 10, 2010

SECTION 4- Evaluation of Finished Product

The magazine’s cover page included a mid close up of the two merged picture which made it prominent and made the magazine stand out on a rack full of magazines. All the images brightness and contrast are consistent.

The magazine is quite colorful in a sense that it may attract people at the first glance. A variety of colors are used, yet the main body text is uniform and has the same font. A few features like name of the magazine and guitar as a background is put on every page except for the editor’s note and table of contents page which does not include the name of the magazine. This makes the magazine very consistent.

None of the pages in the magazines are cluttered and blank spaces are left where necessary so as not to make the page look too disorderly, making it easy to read and focus. The advertisement of the magazine is also attractive and is keeping with the general theme of the magazine. The language used in the magazine is very appropriate for the target audience. Hence the magazine does follow the pattern of most magazines of this genre.

How would I fund for my publication, distribution and marketing of my magazine?

I would fund for the publication, distribution and marketing of my magazine by contacting different music channels and publications which print music magazines and convincing them to sponsor my magazines.

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